2018 Student Innovation Challenge (STIC) – Call for 2018 Applications

Call for 2018 University of Ghana Student Innovation Challenge (STIC) Applications

Call for Applications – Student Innovation Challenge (STIC)
The Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) under the College of Basic and Applied Sciences of the University of Ghana serves as a platform for the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovation developed at the University of Ghana to Industry, the University community and the Nation. One of the important objectives of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) is to organize events to showcase technologies developed from departments/units of the University of Ghana. As part of its strategy to achieve this objective, as well as provide an activity to mark the 70th Anniversary of the University of Ghana, the Institute of Applied Science and Technology is organizing a Student Innovation Challenge (STIC).
The STIC is to bring out the innovative and creative abilities in students and to encourage participation in the application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to solve problems pertaining to industry.
a. To Empower potential students to create innovative solutions to problems existing within the University community, local industries and the Country through the application of knowledge and skills gained in their areas of study. b. To Create a network between experts in different fields of industry and students and to encourage the mentoring of student innovators.
c. To Foster teamwork among students across the different disciplines of the University through collaboration.
d. To Encourage students to develop the enthusiasm and skills of entrepreneurship as a solution to unemployment.
The Student Innovation Challenge (STIC) will strictly be opened to both undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Ghana to showcase ideas or developed solutions to address problems existing in industry through innovative technology in the following areas:
❖ Health
❖ Sanitation
❖ Education
❖ Agriculture e.g food processing, food packaging etc
❖ Energy
❖ Engineering e.g , automobile design

The challenge is strictly opened to both undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Ghana. Students may enter as a group of not more than three (3) or as individuals. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.
Ideas or solutions of applicant(s) should:
● Meet specific needs/problems and be locally-driven
● Demonstrate innovation and creativity
● Express economic, social or environmental benefits

Entry requirement
● Each team/individual is required to upload a maximum of two (2) page proposal during the application
● Each team/individual must have a unique name and also provide Student(s) ID number(s)
● Each team/individual should focus on only one particular area of the competition
Proposals must:
● Be original, innovative and feasible.
● Indicate the area of interest.
● Describe in detail how innovative, the idea or solution is (can be accompanied by an illustration).
● Describe a target market for the innovative idea or solution.
● Identify resources to be utilized (both local and foreign).
● Describe how the idea will impact on Industry socially, environmentally and/or economically. By submitting a proposal, the team/individual agrees that: ● The applicant(s) is the creator of the idea/solution. ● The applicant(s) own some rights to the idea/solution. ● The submission does not infringe upon or violate the intellectual property, privacy, or other rights of any third party.

Criteria for Winner Selection
Initial selection
Initial selection of proposals would be conducted to select qualified applicants to enter the challenge. Selected applicants would be notified via phone call or e-mails in the first week of July 2018. Successful applicants would be posted on the Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) website and social media pages and on the University of Ghana website.
Selection of winner
The winner of the challenge would be decided by a panel of judges. An award ceremony would be held in October 2018 to crown the winning team of the challenge. The winner shall be entitled to a prize of GHC 5,000.00 and would be linked to industries/organizations for the implementation of the idea or solution.

Entry period and application
Applications to the challenge is opened from 16th April 2018 (00:00 GMT) – 5th June 2018 (00:00 GMT). Interested students are required to apply online by clicking here.
For further enquires kindly contact 0207087741 or 0244793703 or visit our website at https://www.ug.edu.gh/iast. Our offices are located at the D1 Chemistry Building opposite the UG Recreational Quadrangle – University of Ghana.

Disclaimer and Force Majeure
The Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) is not responsible for: ● Typographical errors in any document submitted that may lead to miscommunication ● Lost, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, or delayed proposals
● Any cause beyond the Institute’s control, making it inadvisable, illegal, impossible, or impractical to continue the challenge.


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